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Club Mandates

The documents below defines the rules and regulations clubs must adhere to in order for them to remain in good standing with the Han Moo Kwan Association.  The goal of this reference material is to assist clubs in setting up quickly, and operate smoothly.


bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M1 Mandates and Best Practices
- The intention of this document is to define the use of mandates and best practices.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M1
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M2 Members Of The Board Of Directors
- The intention of this document is to describe the roles and responsibilities of the members of the Board Of Directors.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M2
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M3 Club Staffing Requirements
- The intention of this document is to define club staffing requirements, including the roles and responsibilities of the Club President.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M3
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M4 Clubs In Good Standing
- The intention of this document is to define the requirements for a club to remain in good standing with the Han Moo Kwan Association.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M4
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M5 Required Documentation For Clubs
- The intention of this document is to specify the documentation required by each club to remain in good standing with the Han Moo Kwan Association.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M5
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M6 Club Members In Good Standing
- The intention of this document is to define the minimum requirements for members within a club.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M6
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M7 Club Testing And Promotion Requirements
- The intention of this document is to describe the minimum requirements for clubs to test and promote students.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M7
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification
- The intention of this document is to define the minimum requirements for Instructor Certification through the Han Moo Kwan Association.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification Example 1
- First example of an Instructor Certification request.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Ex1
bulletClub Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification Example 2
- Second example of an Instructor Certification request.
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Ex2



Club Mandates -- Prior Versions

Below you will find the prior versions of the club mandates.  They are no longer current, and should not be used.  They are simply supplied for reference to track changes as we make minor adjustments.


bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M1
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M2
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M3
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M4
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M5
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M6
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M7
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 (1)
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 (2)
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Ex1
bullet Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Ex2



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