| Club Mandate HMKA-M1 Mandates and Best Practices
- The intention of this document is to define the use of mandates
and best practices.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M2 Members Of The Board Of Directors
- The intention of this document is to describe the roles and
responsibilities of the members of the Board Of Directors.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M3 Club Staffing Requirements
- The intention of this document is to define club staffing
requirements, including the roles and responsibilities of the Club
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M4 Clubs In Good Standing
- The intention of this document is to define the requirements for a
club to remain in good standing with the Han Moo Kwan Association.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M5 Required Documentation For Clubs
- The intention of this document is to specify the documentation
required by each club to remain in good standing with the Han Moo
Kwan Association.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M6 Club Members In Good Standing
- The intention of this document is to define the minimum
requirements for members within a club.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M7 Club Testing And Promotion Requirements
- The intention of this document is to describe the minimum
requirements for clubs to test and promote students.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification
- The intention of this document is to define the minimum
requirements for Instructor Certification through the Han Moo Kwan
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification Example 1
- First example of an Instructor Certification request.
 | Club Mandate HMKA-M8 Instructor Certification Example 2
- Second example of an Instructor Certification request.