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Join Us

We actively promote the idea of moving martial arts away from its current connection to capitalistic gains, and bring it back to its origins; a method of creating a community of safety and integrity.  We plan to accomplish this by establishing not-for-profit clubs, managed by dedicated educators, with a goal of providing these skills to any adult who has the desire to learn.

What is required?
Very little.  You provide the space, insurance (minimal), advertising, and administration (student registration, etc.).  We will refer you to a qualified instructor who will teach classes, handle the distribution of uniforms, and eventually test and promote students.

Minimal.  For the hosting organization, there may be no need for additional insurance beyond the current coverage for a fitness center.  The major cost of martial arts insurance is tied to injuries sustained in competitions, which we do not promote or attend.  Additional equipment may be beneficial after a year of operation, but student dues typically cover this.  There is an annual club registration fee of $100 to handle overhead.

Student costs are extremely reasonable.  Uniforms (not sold through professional schools) typically run less than $25 and last 2-3 years.  Protective gear (necessary after 6 months of training) may only as high as $100 with a typical life span of 5 years.  Student club dues typically range from $40 to $100 a year, depending on numbers and need for training equipment (bags, etc.).  Testing fees are as low as $10.

Monies are gathered and managed by the hosting organization.  They will remain a club in good standing as long as they retain a non-profit or not-for-profit status.

About our instructors:
The instructors within our organization agree with our philosophy regarding not-for-profit instruction.  They continue to receive training at the highest level at greatly reduced costs in exchange for providing instruction in the same manner.  Although most instructors are not paid, monies collected can be used to reimburse them for travel expenses and overhead.  Details are to be worked out on a case by case basis.

Clubs within professional fitness centers:
We support professional fitness centers who wish to expand their business to include martial arts.  The above guidelines still apply, meaning students are not to be charged fees beyond what would be typical for any other class.  Membership fees for the instructor are to be waived.

Affiliating an existing club:
If you own/operate an existing martial arts club and have lost your affiliation, you may consider joining the Han Moo Kwan Association.  Converting to the Han Moo Kwan style will allow you to reach a new audience of adults looking for a self-defense based art form.

Where to start?
Contact us to set up an initial phone interview.  If there is an instructor available in your area we will arrange for a demonstration of the art form, and determine if there is sufficient interest to start a club.

The Han Moo Kwan Association does not get involved in the details of how you run your club, the fees you charge, or the agreements you make with your instructor.  This is entirely up to you.  All Han Moo Kwan Association clubs however must be run according to the association mandates, ensuring an appropriate environment, including the safety of all the members.

All costs/fees stated within this document are estimations and may change without notice.


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